Online utility payments and account access is now available!
We have switched our utility billing software and now residents can access their account online as well as make payments. The new online payment link for residents to sign up for online Utility pay is https://rothsay.frontdeskgworks.com/
Please be patient as we continue to work with our new system and watch for continued updates.
Moving to Town or Starting a New Business?
The start of a new Business Opportunity or a New Home often starts with just a quick Conversation--Rothsay has options and programs for new homes being built, home builders and businesses looking to establish roots in Rothsay or current business looking to expand in town.
We have resources that offer business planning guidance, gap financing, loan options and sometimes grants and more! We can connect you with organizations like: SVEDA, MN Deed, West Central Initiative and more! Please reach out to us to start the conversation and learn more.