Lead Service Inventory Notice
To continue the work of developing an inventory of the water service line materials on the system, the next phase of the process will involve onsite verifications. Moore Engineering is working to document these service line materials and you will see them throughout the City over the course of the next couple of weeks. A portion of their job includes a visual inspection of the service line as it enters the building.
If you prefer to complete this documentation yourself, you are still able to complete the online survey. Successful completion of the online survey will eliminate the need for someone to enter the building for documentation purposes. Click the link below to access the survey. It will take approximately 5 minutes and walk you through how to find your property’s water service pipe. You will need a coin, magnet, and smartphone. Please follow the directions in the survey for specifics.
This inventory is part of a nationwide initiative and the Minnesota Department of Health requests that residents and property owners in the City of Rothsay submit information on their water service pipe material. This initiative will allow water providers to document the presence of lead service pipes in their systems.
We appreciate your cooperation!
Moving to Town or Starting a New Business?
The start of a new Business Opportunity or a New Home often starts with just a quick Conversation--Rothsay has options and programs for new homes being built, home builders and businesses looking to establish roots in Rothsay or current business looking to expand in town.
We have resources that offer business planning guidance, gap financing, loan options and sometimes grants and more! We can connect you with organizations like: SVEDA, MN Deed, West Central Initiative and more! Please reach out to us to start the conversation and learn more.
Joe Tillman | Mayor of Rothsay
Heather Weber | Rothsay Area-Wide EDA President